Tuesday 11 February 2014

UDK lighting/triggers continued

Note: You must set a game type under world properties

Today we worked on the lighting of our level by practicing adding toggle able lights. They can be uses fully in creating light switches and many other things.

Firstly we add in a light and then we convert it to a spotlight toggle-able. Once this is done we add a trigger of type used and jump into kismet.

Converting the light to a spotlight toggle able

We add the trigger and then drop in a play announcement block to notify the player of what action is required. We then added a toggle block in and used the light from before as its target. We must also set the triggers max trigger count to 0 if we want to be able to do this an infinite amount of times
Kismet for toggle able light

Increasing the size of the trigger is usually good practice.

Trigger to activate light

And after all of that we are left with this.

Finished toggle able light.

The same play announcement code can be used to notify the player of any new events such as entering a new area.

Trigger attached to play announcement

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