Friday 28 February 2014

UDK adding normal's to textures

After I had a functioning texture saved as a .tga or targa, I was able to create a normal for it. Normal's are height information that give depth to textures. We used a software called Crazy Bump to create the normal's.

Crazy bumps main menu
We add a opened a photograph from file and selected in which direction we wanted the height to go. This is really redundant because it can be changed after this step.

select weather the normal is coming out of the wall or going into it. 
Once selected we get a pop-up of a preview window and some sliders.

Crazy bump, editing screen
You can really just play around with these until your happy with the result. It must be saved as a .tga
After this we import the saved file into UDK. Just import it to your personal package to keep things clean.

UDK import screen
Then the only thing left is to create a new material and attach our normal and our diffused to it.

Plugging in textures and normal into the correct blocks
 The finished result can look something like this.

Finished and applied texture with normal

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