Sunday, 29 September 2013

Image Processing-Creating an Angry Birds

Today we learned how to the basics of photoshop and even how to draw an angry bird.
The first sets were laided out on, this website contains many helpful tips for beginners and the advanced editer.

Firstly we learned about the basic vertor tools such as the pen

With this we can add, remove and edit "anchor points".
Anchor points are manipulateable points draw on a canvas, they are the basis of vertor graphics.
After ths basic tutorial we dived right into creating our very own angry bird character.

List of vector tools

We start off with the main body of the angry bird. I slected the oval shape from the drop down list and draged out some of the anchor pionts to make it look more like an angry bird.

Stage 1 of the angery bird

We added a "stroke" effect to the oval. This creates a black out line on the oval of spesifyed measurement.
We then made the interior red.

The next step was to add six anchor points to the top of the oval.

Tutorial piece one

As you can see we then manipulate them into the desired shape using the free selection tool.

The tummy and eys come next
Stage 3 of angry birds

This was simple enough. All we had to do was create a circle witht the stoke effect and then duplicated the eye and place one a layer above the other, in this image the pupils haven't been added yet.
The tummy was just a searies of anchor points along the edge of the oval and below the position of the eyes.

The last two steps were adding the mouth and the eye brow.

Browe of angry bird 

The eye brow was simply six anchor points over lapping all other layers

The mouth is done in much the same way, by adding several anchor points and then manipulating them into the desired shape.

Beek of angry bird

This, or at least something like it is the desired out come.

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