Monday, 18 November 2013

Reflecting on what I have learned.

This is the first day of the next term of my course. Over the last term I have learned how to use the vector tools in Photoshop  which I used in creating my game graphics

Character for scratch game

This is an example of one of the character graphics which I created using only the Photoshop vector tools.
The vector tools included the pen tool which is the main drawing and manipulation tool in the set, it has a sub menu which change the pen tools function to a suitable one in almost all situations. The word tool was the next one that we learned how to use. It quickly and accurately draws out letters in vector and can be quite uses full as a replacement to drawing out the individual letters with the pen. The next tool is the courser/move tool which is used to move entire objects or to manipulate the individual vector points which is required to make certain shapes/graphics. The last vector tool is the shape tool, it is used to draw squares, circles, rectangles etc. It is far easier to use this than to draw out these simple shapes with the pen tool.

Another skill I have learned from last term is programming, in scratch. The learning curve was quite steep at first but after some practice it became clear that programming must be done in a very logical process and must be very clear and very specific in order to get out put.

Scratch Code

This is a screen shot of the programming block I used for my menu. I will be able to reuse this in the future for my future projects and works. That is one of the extremely useful things about games programming, even if it does work fully at the end of the process you will have blocks of code which you can reuse and reuse and reuse over and over again e.g menu coding.
Although I enjoyed learning the basics of programming I found it very tedious to start and very rewarding.

Another thing which I've learned to do is how to maintain a steady and regular blog, this blog. I have learned the value of planning out post in advance and taking and using notes to type up posts. I feel there is huge room from improvement in my posts and I aim to do so.

Game shetches

This is a sample image of my blog.

The most prevalent thing that I have learned is the fact that I am in charge of my own learning and I must be self motivated in all of my endevers.

I have learned that I need to organise myself sefisently before diving into a task head on.

I've learned that I must set goals in order to be able to acheve anything from this course and any further education.

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